Learn about laboratory instrument benches, lab design, space planning and more.
3 Benefits of Using a Customized or Mobile Lab Bench
Laboratories constantly evolve, requiring lab managers to consider their spaces' future changes and growth potential when buying lab furniture.
3 Lab Safety Practices
Proper lab safety practices promote a responsible work environment and may help prevent researchers from getting hurt.
How Forensic Toxicology Labs Use Mass Spectrometry
A forensic toxicology lab can use mass spectrometry, on a mass spec bench, to aid in criminal investigation efforts.
How Does the Pharmaceutical Industry Use Mass Spectrometry?
Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool used in the pharmaceutical industry to analyze various compounds. The versatility of an...
3 Types of Lab Benches and How They’re Used
Every lab needs some combination of workspace and dedicated instrument storage, making a lab bench the foundation of an effective...
5 Tips for Organizing Your Lab Bench Work Space
we have quality and sturdy laboratory benches to meet every lab's needs.A well-organized lab bench contributes to productivity, allowing you...
6 Lab Products We Carry
Investing in high-quality lab benches can enhance your laboratory's safety, efficiency, and productivity. At OMNI Lab Solutions, we supply quality...
How We Can Help Plan Your Lab Space
Proper laboratory planning can help maximize efficiency during processes like materials testing and production, saving you time and money. From...